Ny poster
Ny posterAdam Karls Johansson, Greta Thunberg 20 August 2018. Ny poster i storlek 50 x 70 cm. Fram till Fridays For Futures stora globala strejk för klimatet den 20 oktober går all vinst till rörelsen. Se mer här.
New images
Daniela Gyllensten
Daniela GyllenstenCheck out all the new images by Daniela Gyllensten in our archive.
ExhibitionNew exhibition with photographer Tobias Regell at COW Perfumery in Stockholm. Read more about the photos here.
New photographer
Mathias Sterner - new photographer
Mathias Sterner - new photographerWe are proud to present our new photographer Mathias Sterner. After years in Lonndon as a fashion photographer working for clients as Paul Smith, Dazed & Confused and Shaun Leane, Mathias is now based in Sweden again. His inspiration comes from renaissance painting and sculpture and his photographic sphere is still life photography. As he lives with his family on a farm in the south of Sweden many of his motives in the archive are telling the story of a country life. See more of Mathias images here.
Walter Hirsch - En Kärlekshistoria
Walter Hirsch - En KärlekshistoriaWalter Hirsch did all still photography during making of the film "A Swedish Love Story/En Kärlekshistoria" by Roy Andersson 1969. Today it is 50 years since the fim was shown at the movies and it is still a classic story about love and young people's lives.
Don´t miss out the exhibition about film maker Roy Andersson at Kulturhuset i Stockholm, and learn more about the film. -
A new start
A new startFall is comming and we look forward to long walks in the woods, trees full of colour and a lots of appelpie. Be inspired by the archive!
Follow us at Instagram
Follow us at InstagramFor inspiration from our rich collection - we are publishing one fine art photograph a day on Instagram. All for sale at Link Image Art Edition. Follow us! @linkimage
Gerry Johansson
Gerry JohanssonLovely poster by Gerry Johansson "Bald Knob, Arkansas, 1993" at Linkimage Posters.
New prints
New printsCheckout the new fine art prints at Link Image Art Edition. This motive is made by Olof Grind in an edition of 7. Read more at: Artedition
Linkimage Posters
Linkimage PostersNew motives at www.linkimageposters.com
This is one of them - Tobias Regell's beautiful view from Italy.
New images
New images
New imagesA lot of new great stuff at New Images. A collection that brings out our desire for spring and the sun.
Tobias Regell på Ateljé Uggla
Tobias Regell på Ateljé UgglaTobias Regell – Ytspänning
Ateljé Ugglas galleri, Grevgatan 52, Stockholm
22 november – 5 december 2019
Hans Gedda Stilleben
Hans Gedda StillebenMissa inte utställningen med Hans Gedda på Galleri Indigo, Sigtunagatan 14, Stockholm.
Öppet fredag 15 november 12–18, lördag 16 november 12–16, söndag 17 november 12–16.
Maila till mia@linkimage.com för övriga tider.
Albin Biblom
Albin BiblomFotograf Albin Biblom visas på Dunkers kulturhus i Helsingborg under perioden 20 oktober 2019 – 9 februari 2020. Se mer av Albin på Link Image Artedition.
Back to Work
Back to WorkThe archive is filled with great images to be used. Search the archive yourself or tell us what you need and we will help.
Link Image + Svenskt Tenn = sant
Link Image + Svenskt Tenn = santMissa inte fina vårutställningen på Svenskt Tenn! Ny tapet av Josef Frank, vackra föremål och svartvita klassiska porträtt från Link Image Art Edition.
Se mer här.
Utställning Samling
Utställning SamlingLink Image Art Edition ställer ut en kollektion fotografier ur sin samling på popup-galleriet Södermannagatan 16, 4–6 april. Läs mer här.
Felix Odell - Utställning
Felix Odell - UtställningLink Image Art Edition visar Felix Odells magiska landskapsfotografi på Södermannagatan 16, Stockholm. Läs mer här.
PostersBuy your new poster at linkimageposters.com! New motives coming up soon!
New images
New Images
New ImagesCheck out the new images in the archive!
Follow us!
Follow us!Don't miss out our Advent Calendar on Instagram! Follow us here: @linkimage
.Efter jul kör vi igång igen med en ny kurs i samarbete med SvD Accent. Denna gång har du möjlighet att träffa Maria Friberg, Stina Brockman och Elisabeth Toll vid tre frukostträffar. Gå in på https://accent.svd.se/kurser/fotografens-oga-mote-med-tre-fotografer.html och anmäl dig!
New images
ArchipelagoDream of the Swedish archipelago. Frederik Liberath's beautiful images is all available in Link Image archive. Just click to watch!
.Buy our new posters with iconic photographs from Sweden's best photographers!
New images
Travel with Daniela Gyllensten
Travel with Daniela GyllenstenSee all the new images by Daniela Gyllensten and follow her trips to places like Mexico, Lapland and Italy.
Carl Bengtsson
Carl BengtssonNu har vi en ny kollektion verk på Artedition av den mästerlige fotografen Carl Bengtsson. Gå in här och se mer!
PåskutställningarUnder påsken flyttar vi ut i landet och syns på både sydkust och västkust!
På Hörnan i Brantevik visas en samling fotografier från Link Image under påskveckan, t o m den 8 april.
Samtidigt ställer vi ut Ewa-Marie Rundquists vackra blomstilleben på Hotell Tylösand i samarbete med Galleri Tres Hombres.
New images
Spring!Springtime is here! Enjoy all the new images in the archive - like this one by Patric Johansson - and dream of the new season.
Kurs!Kom och gå kurs med oss och täffa tre av Sveriges bästa fotografer: Tobias Regell, Carl Bengtsson och Hans Gedda. Läs mer och anmäl på SvD Accent.
In Memory of Tuija Lindström/Till minne av Tuija Lindström
In Memory of Tuija Lindström/Till minne av Tuija LindströmVår kära vän och kollega fotograf Tuija Lindström har gått bort efter en tids sjukdom. Genom sitt egensinniga och magiska bildspråk och sin tioåriga tjänst som professor vid Högskolan för Fotografi och Film blev hon en stark förebild för kommande generationer av fotografer. Hennes påverkan på fotografiets uttryck och utveckling på den svenska konstscenen sedan 1990-talet kan inte underskattas och tomheten efter Tuija Lindström kommer att bli stor.
Foto: Bruno Ehrs
Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays!Thank you all for a wonderful 2017!
If you need us during the holidays, don´t hesitate to contact us by email: info@linkimage.com or artedition@linkimage.com. See you in 2018!
Photo by: Björn Terring/Link Image
Advent calendar
Advent calendarFollow our Instagram to open our Advent Calendar! A new image from the Link Image archive or an object from Link Image Art Edition everyday until Christmas.
Popup Gallery
Popup GalleryUnder veckan 24–30 november visar Link Image Art Edition en samlingsutställningmed det bästa av svenska fotografi. Adress: Sibyllegatan 26, Stockholm
Öppet: vardagar 12–18, lördag och söndag 12–16
Vernissage torsdag 23 november kl 18. Välkommen!
Fotografi av flicka: Julia Hetta
New images
Patric Johansson
Patric JohanssonTake a look at Patric Johansson's images - from interior inspiration to nature!
New images
ArchipelagoTake a look at Philip Karlbergs new collection of images from the archipelago. Water, drama, nature, beauty - all you can wish for!
Photo editor service
Photo editor serviceUse our well skilled photo editors for research. We help you search Link Image archive for free and are also available for external projects. Through the years we have search historical archives, stock image websites and museum libraries to find images to exhibition, school books and all sorts of work. Please contact us at info@linkimage.com for more information.
Summer 2017
Summer 2017The web archive www.linkimage.com is always open and you can reach us all summer at info@linkimage.com
Artedition collection to Nobis Hotel
Artedition collection to Nobis HotelNobis Hotel's acquisitions are now up and installed in their lounge! We hope that the pieces by Patrik Andersson and Hans Gedda will be
happy in their new home. We would also like to thank Nobis Hotel for a fun collaboration during Stockholm Art Week!
New images
The exquisite Ida Borg
The exquisite Ida BorgOur new young emerging photographer Ida Borg just submitted the first collection of her soft poetic images to the archive. To see the collection, just click here!
Beautiful ballerinas by Tobias Regell
Beautiful ballerinas by Tobias RegellDon't miss Tobias Regell's exquisite series of ballerinas in Artedition! Regell has portraited Nathalie Nordquist's, prime ballerina of the Swedish Royal Balett with a splendid lightness and grace.
Robert Nettarp 1970–2002
Robert Nettarp 1970–2002New! The book “Robert Nettarp 1970–2002″ is now released. Design by Johan Sandberg and Henrik Timonen. Edition of only 666 numbered copies. Order now!
Art Edition
Art EditionNew book by Gerry Johansson – Tokyo. See more at Link Image Art Edition.
NightThe night is a special moment of the day to capture, here is a small collection of night images.
New images
New images
New imagesNew! Images by Pelle Kronestedt from the book “Täby” (2015)
New images
New images
New imagesLars Tunbjörk’s images from the book Göteborgs Film Festival 2003 is now available in our archive.
InspirationAll you need is love! Get inspired by this collection.
New images
New images
New imagesFog and mist makes fall even more beautiful! Take a look at new images in the archive.
New photographer
Daniela Gyllensten
Daniela GyllenstenWe are happy to welcome photographer Daniela Gyllensten to the archive. Daniela is a young emerging photographer with a personal soft and elegant style. Browse our archive to see more!
Patrik Andersson
Patrik AnderssonLink Image Art Edition is representing the New York based photographer Patrik Andersson. Come and visit us at Affordable Art Fair in Stockholm 1–4 October and see his great fine art prints.
New images
New images
New imagesFall is coming closer – but let´s dream away to a sunny place where you never need to wear a raincoat or gloves. A lot of new images in the archive still got the summer feeling!
Tobias Regell
Tobias RegellNew fine art print at Art Edition – another motive in Tobias Regell’s beautiful series of the Swedish Prima Ballerina Nathalie Nordquist. Check out Art Edition for more information.
New images
New images
New imagesNew season means new images in the archive! Click here to take a look at the collections.
Antanas Sutkus
Antanas SutkusLink Image Art Edition is representing the Lithuanian photographer Antanas Sutkus in Sweden. We are exhibit his work at Almlof Gallery in Malmö, from 10 Sept until 18 of Oct.
New images
New images
New imagesA lot of new images are recently uploaded to the archive. Look here for the new collections.
New photographer
Björn Terring
Björn TerringWe welcome photographer Björn Terring back in the Link Image archive again! Click here to see all images by Björn.
New photographer
Linda Bergman
Linda BergmanNew photographer in the archive – Linda Bergman! See all Linda’s images here.
Lars Tunbjörk 1956 – 2015
Lars Tunbjörk 1956 – 2015In memory of our dear friend and colleague Lars Tunbjörk 1956 – 2015. We miss you!
Springtime!The spring is coming soon! Dream of Easter and the sun to return again.
New photographer
Mattias Edwall
Mattias EdwallLink Image is happy to welcome photographer Mattias Edwall to the family! Click here to browse his great collection.
New images
Summer by Felix Odell
Summer by Felix OdellLonging for summertime. New images of Andreas Ackerup, Felix Odell, Idha Lindhag and Mattias Edwall. Take a look at the new collection.
FormGet inspired by forms, patterns and abstract shapes in a flower, shadow or footsteps.
NatureSearch among our beautiful, scary, warm, mystic and green nature images. Here is a collection with a small part of all the images to choose from.
New images
New images
New imagesA lot of new images are just uploaded to the archive. Take a look at the collections in “New Images”!
WinterSoon the winter will be here, take a look at our winter images and get inspired!
New images
Marcus Palmqvist
Marcus PalmqvistLook at Marcus Palmqvist´s new fantastic moments from the Swedish summer 2014!
New photographer
Rowan Thornhill
Rowan ThornhillRowan Thornhill is an English travel and lifestyle photographer currently based in the small town of Cork in Ireland. He studied photography in Sweden, where he lived for eight years prior to moving abroad. He constantly seeks to capture the essential beauty of the people, places and moments he experiences on his travels, creating images that convey honesty and intrigue.
New images
New objects at artedition.se
New objects at artedition.seTake a look at our news at artedition.se
Rare books and vintage magazines! -
New images
Björn Keller
Björn KellerA new collection of Björn Keller´s fantastic b/w images from Japan. Sort by “newest first” in the search to get the latest collection.
MidsummerLink Image office is closed Friday 19th. We are celebrating the Swedish Midsummer. Back again as usual on Monday 23rd! If you need us please send us a note on info@linkimage.com.
New images
Ewa-Marie Rundquist
Ewa-Marie RundquistEwa-Marie Rundquist is celebrating the spring with a collection of wonderful poppy flowers.
ChildhoodChildhood Everyone´s childhood is unique but we can all sometimes feel moments of the secret world the children live in.
LightThe term “Photography” is latin for writing in light. Here is an inspiration collection to prove it´s true.
Black and white
Black and whiteSearch “black and white” in the archive and find images with roots deep down in classic photography.
New images
2014.02.24New images by Björn Keller, Felix Odell, Idha Lindhag and Johan Warden.
Art Edition
Art EditionHave a look in our web shop Art Edition! Here you can find a lot of Fine Art Photography from Sweden’s most well-known Art Photographers, rare and signed photo books, old magazines, posters etc.
Not active
This website is not active anymore. If you have questions regarding the image archive or our fine art photographs, please contact us at info@linkimage.com
Link Image Posters
Checkout our new posters!
A collection of iconic photographs from Sweden's most well known photographers - now available as poster on www.linkimageposters.com
Finest offset printing on uncoated high quality paper in the size of 50 x 70 cm.
For order and shipping outside Sweden, please contact us at posters@linkimage.com -
Find the perfect image
Do you have trouble to navigate on the photo agencies websites? Overwhelmed by millions of generic photos without any story to tell? Let us do the work for you! Link Image offers photo editor services and search all kind of archives for your publication, project, exhibition or web. We use our long term expertise to help you find the images you need. Contact mia@linkimage.com or anna.sievert@linkimage.com.
New images
We are constantly publishing new images in the archive. Look for the link New Images above to se our latest submissions!
Art Edition news
Link Image Art Edition are now representing a collection of prints by photographer Julia Hetta. Go to Art Edition website to see more!
Link Image Art Edition
Are you collecting Fine Art Photography or rare photo books? Take a look at artedition where we have a lot of great objects for sale. You may find everything from old black and white photos from 1915 by Henry B Goodwin to young contemporary artists. If you like old vintage fashion magazines or posters you may try the section other on the site where we have collected other rare and fun stuff.
Welcome Daniela Gyllensten!
We are happy to welcome photographer Daniela Gyllensten to the archive. Daniela is a young emerging photographer with a personal soft and elegant style. Browse our archive to see more!
Do you need help finding the perfect image?
Do you have trouble to navigate on the photo agencies websites? Overwhelmed by millions of generic photos without any story to tell? Let us do the work for you! Link Image offers photo editor services and search all kind of archives for your publication, project, exhibition or web. We use our long term expertise to help you find the images you need. Contact mia@linkimage.com or linda@linkimage.com.
Linda Bergman & Björn Terring
Two new great photographers in the Link Image archive – Linda Bergman and Björn Terring! Linda has a wonderful variation of motives from Sweden. With a soft and harmonic tone she find her motives everywhere around her. Björn Terring is known for his personal style and lively photos. We welcome him back again in the archive!
Mattias Edwall
Click here to browse Mattias Edvall's great collection. Edwall is one of Sweden’s classic photographers who have been working with fashion, portraits, music, theatre and travel photos for many years now. His sense for light and timing and his high quality technique give him a place among the leading photographers today.
New Photographer
Rowan Thornhill is an English travel and lifestyle photographer currently based in the small town of Cork in Ireland. He studied photography in Sweden, where he lived for eight years prior to moving abroad. He constantly seeks to capture the essential beauty of the people, places and moments he experiences on his travels, creating images that convey honesty and intrigue.
New images
The archive is filled with new images by our hard working fantastic photographers! We have uploaded hundreds of new fantastic beautiful photographs. One of them is Ewa-Marie Rundquist´s series of Poppy flowers to celebrate the spring we all have longed for. Some of the images are also for sale as fine art prints at artedition.se
We are managing the photographic heritages of the Swedish classic photographer Walter Hirsch and the fashion photographer Robert Nettarp. In our archives there are hundreds of digital files searchable and a smaller part of the vintage prints are for sale. For more information about the Hirsch and Nettarp Estates please contact us at info@linkimage.com
Art Edition
Have a look in Art Edition! Here you can find a lot of Fine Art Photography from Sweden’s most well-known Art Photographers, rare and signed photo books, old magazines, posters etc. We sell and buy all kind of high quality photographic objects, working with exhibitions and curating photo books, just choose Art Edition at the top of this site.